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Text: Roxolana Chernoba & Maxim Masaltsev   
Photo: Maxim Masaltsev & Roksolana Chernoba   

Guerra is one of the major writers and movie writers in the world. Born in 1920, he helped make movies like L'Avventura, Blowup, Amarcord and Nostalghia, to name a few out of his one-hundred movie titles list. He is very active to date, with his most recent Um Ano Mais Longo (2006)

- Yesterday I heard a Rachmaninoff concert and I thought it must have been beautiful to be a musician. I'd like to be a pianist, too. However, in the Nazi concentration camp I chanced to direct an orchestra without any musical knowledge.

- Andrei Tarkovsky wanted to try to make a film outside of Russia. He did not want to run away, he just wanted to make a movie. My wife and me fought the Soviet administration for three years before he could come. So, when he appeared we did not have a clear concept. We went to travel around Italy and got to the magic place with a warm pool in the center of a huge square. Fellini showed it to me. St Catherine of Sienna, a nun and a writer, bathed in it. The mist coming from the pool was so mysterious and strange, so the more Andrei looked at it, the more his wrench grew that he cannot share the joy of what he saw in Italy, with his family. And from this moment, we started working on Nostalghia. However, I believe it was there where he got the first idea of The Sacrifice.

- When you want to achieve something, to become an artist or a writer, a creator, everything comes handy. Every mistake is more valuable for the human spirit than success.

- When a person is deeply touched, he is somehow punishing himself. It is not that I am weak at such moments. I am strong because of my emotions.

Mystery is concealed in things around you. We can only ask questions but we can never have the answers. I do not mean detective-story kind of riddles. These are not really mysteries but riddles that can easily be solved. Our mysteries are the questions: why are we in this world? Where do we go? How can one answer this?


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