De I may be the only magazine in Russia or maybe in the world who were happy enough to meet the person, officially titled “the Best Clown of the World”, in silence and contemplation at his European residence between Paris and Disneyland. Many people think that after draining himself out on stage, an actor like Polunin would become a secluded bragging touchy creature trying to save bits of privacy from anyone.
Polunin is different. He and the team he created are the perfect example of harmony between enormous amount of show business labor and happily being at ease.
Speaking to De I, Polunin uncovers for the first time the principles of his team building and show creation. We are proud to be the first magazine to publish his idea of creation of the Natural Reserve for the unique people.
- Talent is hidden very deep in the human being. It covers itself with shyness or rudeness, anything so that it is hard to uncover it. And you have the hardest time screwing it out of this depth. The main thing is the favorable atmosphere. When the weather is good, forest mushrooms do not need anything else to grow. When people come to me to study to be clowns, I only start teaching them after a year. For their first year, they paint walls, porter stuff. Before everything, you should become needed. This is the first law. There is one thing to learn: so that everyone needs you.
- It is important to unite people of the common spirit, who understand and wish to create the very same thing: the happy space. All of my friends follow these laws. For example Bartenev: a celebration of person. Not long ago he received the title of the Academian of Fools, and he is very proud of it.
- I collect happy people. What I do is hunt these brilliants across the world and gather them around me.
- You should re-qualify your whole life system to celebratory and non-celebratory and try as soon as possible to jump out of non-celebratory part. Just as a person controls his business, he should control his idleness.