006... Editorial. Roksolana Chernoba 008... Igor Moiseev – a dance thinker 000... MIDEM 2006 - The Word’s Music Exhibition. Cannes. France 000... Ìîzart’s Birthday 000... Ànna Netrebko – the Art of Coloratura 000... Ìikhail Àldashin – Christmas 000... Ìusic of “Russian seasons” by Sergey Dyagilev 014... ÒAIKO-SAMURAI from the Galaxy Centre 000... A STORY 016... Ambassadors’ gifts to Russian tsars 016... Her Highness’s Sofa 020... Àntonio Ìenegetti. “Between the Dove and the Serpent” 022... PRICES VS VALUES 024... Pavel Pepperstein “GOD” 028... Ancient Mystery 032... Svetlanov’s Code 038... Àlexander Rusnak “… because it is NOT on the map of Moscow” 048... A Viennese organizer – Christoph Lieben 000... ÀNTIPODE 054... Portugal Contemporary JEWELLERY 000... A SELF-ASSEMBLY MODEL 062... Ànatoly Vasilyev. “A Word Addressing A Stone” 084... A VOICE IN THE DESERT 086... MENOTI – this is very honest 090... Musigue CONCRETE 090... INDIGO children 099... LiveJournal on paper 108... Àlexander Zakharov. “BIG small WORLD” 117... Òhe Theory of Marvels 118... Ìàsha Poinder. “All the world with a one-way ticket” 000... MOVIES 128... FROM the end TO the beginning 000... ÌUSIC 130... The extent of nostalgia 000... RetroACTIVITY 000... ÒHEATRE 134... Not High-Brow Stories 000... BOOKS 136... Not To Think about Evil 138... Safe Passivity 140... balance by HUBERTUS VON DER GOLTZ 144... Festival of ALL ORGANS OF SENSATIONS 000... Scrolls DON’T BURN, paintings DON’T FREEZE 000... Ìaya Plisetskaya – The Muse of Geniuses 000... Russian-English and Greek-Russian 000... Renaissance of "SAVOY" 154... SUMMARY
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